Marvel Future Fight: World Boss(Normal) Guide

In this article I will summarize World Boss(Normal difficulty) Guide. If you are a beginner of MFF you should focus on defeating 5 World Boss daily to get (rank 1 black anti-matter) and (norn stone of chaos). Those items are needed when enhancing your characters like advancement.


1. Proxima Midnight

Proxima Midnight is vulnerable to Physical Attack.



2. Black Dwarf

Proxima Midnight is vulnerable to Energy damage.



3. Corvus Glaive

Corvus Glaive has high dodge rate. Leaders who have leader skill that ignore target’s dodge rate is recommended.

In addition we can take 5 additional allies to World Boss. Some allies have ‘Ignore target’s Dodge Rate by 20%.’ So select allies with the effect. If you can select 3 or more allies with the effect then you don’t need to take leader with ‘ignore target’s dodge rate’ and in that case leaders who increase physical attack or energy attack is more useful.

Allies with ‘ignore target’s Dodge Rate by 20%.’ are listed below:

  1. Black Widow
  2. Mockingbird
  3. Agent13
  4. Deathlok
  5. Songbird
  6. Misty Knight
  7. Hawkeye(Kate Bishop)
  8. Agent Venom
  9. Wasp(Nadia Van Dyne)

*6 Rank is required to take World Boss. Black Widow, Mockingbird, Agent13 and Deathlok are easy to make 6 star. They requrie 1/2 biometrics compared to other normal characters.


4. Super Giant

Proxima Midnight is vulnerable to Physical Attack.



5. Ebony Maw

Proxima Midnight is vulnerable to element damage such as mind and lightning.


6. Thanos

Thanos is quite strong. It seems he has no vulnerability. To defeat Thanos you need to make your characters strong and should understand his attack patterns. If you are not strong enough to defeat Thanos then just give up for now and defeat other world bosses to get (rank 1 black anti-matter) and (norn stone of chaos).


7. Quicksilver

Quicksilver has high dodge rate like Corvus Glaive(Please refer to above guide about Corvus Glaive). In addition combat characters are good to use because Quicksilver is speed type.



8.  Cable

Speed type characters are recommended since Cable is blast type hero.


9.  Scarlet Witch

Speed type physical attack characters are good to use since Scarlet Witch is blast type hero.


10.  Apocalypse

Blast type characters are recommended since Apocalypse is combat type villain.




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